SAS/AF: An Editor for Simple SCL Lists
A simple SCL list is one having only numeric and character items.
This SCL entry invokes the SAS attribute editor sashelp.classes.simplelisteditor.frame.
Run the SCL to create a new SLIST entry.
afa c=common.SCLListView.SimpleSLISTEditor.scl
The SCL can also be invoked via SAS Explorer to display a simple SLIST.
Use Explorer menu Tools/Options/Explorer... to configure a catalog entry type SLIST action
Action: &Simple Edit Action Command: afa c=Common.SCLListView.SimpleSLISTEditor.scl entry=%8b.%32b.%32b.%8b
The SCL can also be invoked via SAS Explorer to create a new SLIST!
Use command RegEdit to update the SAS registry.
Under the CORE\EXPLORER\NEW\ENTRY key, create a new key SLIST
- Add new String value. Name = "Name", Data = "SCL List"
- Add new String value. Name = "Icon", Data = "332"
- Add new String value. Name = "Command", Data = "AFA C=Common.SCLListView.SimpleListEditor.Frame action=new entry=%8b.%32b.UNTITLED.SLIST"
Then, in a catalog window, right click and select New...
Copyright 2005 Richard A. DeVenezia This page was last updated 31 January 2005.