Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

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Requests / Re: 11 Team 10 Game Beer Olympic Schedule
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 26, 2024, 01:59:37 AM »
With an odd number of teams no balanced schedule is possible, in particular if no team is to play the same game twice, then there must be at least one team who does not play that game - since each match involves two teams.  The best away round is to have 11 types of game, and then use this room square for 12 teams, but delete all the games on the main diagonal that involve team L, then you will have a schedule where each of the 11 teams has one bye, and one game that they do not play.
Requests / 11 Team 10 Game Beer Olympic Schedule
« Last post by Lseeko on July 25, 2024, 08:55:46 PM »
We are hosting yard olympics & trying to create a schedule of events. One team dropped out and we're back to square one with scheduling 10 Games, 11 teams not playing same game twice. Can you help with creating a schedule? I can not figure it out with the byes!

Requests / Re: Pickleball weighted round-robin
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 24, 2024, 01:05:22 PM »
Hi Mark,

This almost meets your criteria, there are 3 exceptions to the sitting out - for example player 2 in rounds 8 and 9.  Looking at the schedule it is extremely close to separating players 1 to 12 and 13 to 24 into separate groups which is something I thought you were trying to avoid.  The opponent balance does not look great, for example player 5 & 6 oppose 5 times, while players 5 & 10 never oppose.

Requests / Re: Pickleball weighted round-robin
« Last post by mh on July 24, 2024, 06:49:23 AM »
Thanks Ian.

I have come up with this. It doesn't really follow any mathematical logic, created by trial and error.

Essentially the 24 players are divided into 6 per court and play-round robin for 6 rounds. After which they spread out into a 12-player round robin. The exception is players 13,14,15 play in the upper 12 for 1 match, and 10,11 and 12 play down for one match. This gives 3 players the opportunity to play up but also helped in avoiding duplicate partners later on. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you could scan this to ensure: 

  • everybody plays the same amount (9 matches), 
  • nobody has the same partner twice, 
  • nobody sits off more than twice in a row. 

Thanks, Mark
Requests / Re: Pickleball weighted round-robin
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 19, 2024, 03:45:04 AM »
I think the weighted thing is probably a bad idea, a player with 10 games is going to have 20 opponents from a pool of 23 but you are saying that 8 of those are off limits for 16 of the players.  If a nice schedule can exist in this scenario, I think it would involve players 9 to 16 having more games than the rest, as they have more possible partners and opponents.  I also don't like your second ideal criterion as this goes against the general mixing of partners and opponents which is something that I think you want.

I can offer the following which I think meets your essential criteria.  The same groups of 8 players have byes in sequence, so the byes are as equally distributed as possible. All the partners are different and most of the opponents are different, except (5,7) and (11,15).  I could make a better schedule if having consecutive byes  was allowed.

( 5  3 v 15 10)  (16  1 v  4 12)  ( 7  9 v  6 14)  ( 8 13 v  2 11)
(24  6 v  3 18)  (19  4 v 23  8)  ( 5 20 v 22 17)  (21  7 v  1  2)
(17 14 v 21 24)  ( 9 20 v 15 18)  (12 22 v 19 11)  (16 23 v 13 10)
( 4 11 v  9  5)  ( 1  6 v  2 15)  (14 13 v  8 10)  (16 12 v  3  7)
( 1  4 v 17 24)  ( 2  5 v 23 18)  (21 20 v  3  8)  ( 6  7 v 22 19)
(19 24 v  9 16)  (22 15 v 23 14)  (18 13 v 12 17)  (20 11 v 10 21)
(13 12 v  6  4)  (14 16 v  5  1)  ( 8  2 v  3  9)  ( 7 15 v 10 11)
( 7  4 v 21 18)  (20  6 v  1 23)  ( 2  3 v 19 17)  (24  8 v 22  5)
(11 24 v 19 15)  (17 18 v 14 10)  (22 20 v 13 16)  (12  9 v 23 21)
( 5 13 v  1  7)  ( 6 16 v 11  8)  ( 2 12 v 15 14)  (10  3 v  4  9)
(20  4 v  2  7)  (24 18 v  8 21)  ( 5 17 v  6 19)  (22 23 v  3  1)
(20 10 v 19 12)  (14 24 v 23 11)  (17 21 v 16 15)  (22 13 v 18  9)
( 7 13 v  5 15)  ( 4  3 v 14 11)  ( 2  6 v 10 16)  (12  1 v  8  9)
(19  3 v  1 18)  (24  5 v  2 20)  (23  7 v 17  8)  ( 6 22 v 21  4)
(15 23 v 16 18)  (11  9 v 20 17)  (22 24 v 10 12)  (21 14 v 13 19)

Requests / Pickleball weighted round-robin
« Last post by mh on July 17, 2024, 06:16:36 AM »
Could anyone create a 24-player 4-court round-robin doubles schedule please?

- 15-rounds seems about right for time
- Everyone would then play the same amount of matches I think?!
- No player to be off resting more than one round in a row

- The top players nos. 1-8 and the bottom players nos. 17-24 are 'weighted' so they do not play with or against each other at any time. 
- A round relies on as few matches as possible from the previous round to commence. For example, if players 1,2,3,4 were playing on Court 1 in Round 1, then in Round 2 if Player 1 was on Court 1, Player 2 on Court 2 etc. that court could hold up the next round getting started. 

FYI - we tried 2x 12-player schedules last week but players weren't happy if they didn't make the 'top half cut'. If this is possible it would be great as very subtle in sorting players by ability.  
Requests / Re: backyard games
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 11, 2024, 03:46:03 AM »
The Excel file does not make schedules like this where some events are not played in some rounds.  There are some posts I have made with solutions such as this one for 9x9.
Requests / backyard games
« Last post by hppyglmr on July 10, 2024, 09:46:31 PM »
10 teams 9 events 9 rounds 
everyone playing everyone and every event once.
sorry for the request couldn't get your excel file to open
Requests / Re: 12 team beer olympics
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 06, 2024, 08:32:32 AM »
It's not possible to make a schedule like this.  If you consider the games for one team of 6, then they would be a Room square of side n=5.  But as stated on the linked Wikipedia page, the 5x5 square does not exist.
Requests / Re: 12 Team Tournament (need reply by 7/6 am)
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on July 06, 2024, 07:39:10 AM »
Yes, this is possible by rearranging the 12 player schedule you can find in reply #1 here.  For example:

      G1    G2    G3    G4    G5    G6    G7    G8    G9   G10   G11   Bye
 R1 (F D) (J K) (A G) (E L) (C H) (I B)
 R2 (E J) (H F) (B K) (I C) (L G) (A D)
 R3 (L I) (G B) (J H) (K D) (E A) (C F)
 R4 (G C) (L A) (I D) (J B) (F K) (E H)
 R5 (H K) (I E) (L C) (F A) (D B) (G J)
 R6 (A B) (C D) (E F) (G H) (I J) (K L)
 R7                                     (D H) (K G) (C E) (I F) (J L) [A B]
 R8                                     (B L) (F J) (K I) (E G) (A H) [C D]
 R9                                     (C J) (D L) (H B) (K A) (G I) [E F]
R10                                     (A I) (B E) (L F) (D J) (C K) [G H]
R11                                     (K E) (A C) (G D) (H L) (B F) [I J]
R12                                     (F G) (H I) (J A) (B C) (D E) [K L]