Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

A-Flight/B-Flight teams that change every week

davidjtoth · 3 · 9508


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on: July 05, 2017, 08:49:16 AM
Greetings fellow schedulers!

Is it possible to schedule a golf league with a 10 man A-flight and a 10 man B-flight where each A-flight player will have a new B-flight player partner every week and play against a different A/B-flight team combination only once over the course of "X" number of weeks?

This is similar to whist scheduling, but instead of scheduling individually with all 20 players partnering with each other over the course of the schedule, the 2 flights would team with each other.

A-flight player   B-flight player
      1                11
      2                12
      3                13
      4                14
      5                15
      6                16
      7                17
      8                18
      9                19
     10                20

Week 1
(1/20 vs. 2/19) (3/18 vs 4/17) (5/16 vs 6/15) (7/14 vs 8/13) (9/12 vs 10/11)

Week 2
(2/20 vs. 4/18) (5/17 vs 8/14) (9/13 vs 10/12) (7/14 vs 8/13) (1/11 vs 3/19)


Living here in northern Ohio, our league can stretch to a maximum of probably 22-23 weeks, max maybe 24 because of the weather and sunset. How many weeks would the above scenario require? Also, pertinent to this conversation, is that our number of golfers varies slightly year by year. If the above scenario is possible will it work with 18, 22 or 24 golfers also?

Thanks so much!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: July 05, 2017, 09:42:07 AM
The scenario you have described is really the same as mixed doubles, just rename the two genders as flights A and B.  There are two schedules below for 20 and 24 players, which have 10 and 12 rounds respectively, where every member of flight A partners with every member of flight B.  Note that same flight opposition pairs can not be balanced, so everyone has one member of the same flight who they oppose twice.

[(A05 B01):(A02 B07)] [(A09 B05):(A08 B02)] [(A01 B03):(A07 B06)] [(A03 B09):(A06 B08)] [(A04 B10):(A10 B04)]
[(A01 B06):(A08 B05)] [(A03 B08):(A02 B01)] [(A05 B07):(A06 B09)] [(A09 B02):(A07 B03)] [(A04 B04):(A10 B10)]
[(A06 B04):(A09 B08)] [(A10 B06):(A07 B09)] [(A04 B02):(A08 B01)] [(A02 B10):(A01 B07)] [(A03 B03):(A05 B05)]
[(A06 B10):(A07 B05)] [(A02 B04):(A08 B03)] [(A05 B08):(A10 B02)] [(A03 B07):(A04 B06)] [(A01 B01):(A09 B09)]
[(A04 B03):(A01 B08)] [(A10 B05):(A09 B07)] [(A03 B10):(A08 B09)] [(A05 B04):(A07 B01)] [(A02 B02):(A06 B06)]
[(A04 B09):(A07 B02)] [(A06 B07):(A01 B04)] [(A02 B08):(A09 B10)] [(A10 B01):(A08 B06)] [(A03 B05):(A05 B03)]
[(A03 B02):(A10 B07)] [(A05 B06):(A04 B08)] [(A02 B05):(A07 B04)] [(A06 B03):(A08 B10)] [(A01 B09):(A09 B01)]
[(A05 B10):(A09 B06)] [(A10 B03):(A06 B01)] [(A03 B04):(A01 B02)] [(A04 B05):(A02 B09)] [(A08 B08):(A07 B07)]
[(A05 B09):(A08 B04)] [(A03 B01):(A07 B10)] [(A04 B07):(A09 B03)] [(A10 B08):(A01 B05)] [(A02 B06):(A06 B02)]
[(A10 B09):(A02 B03)] [(A05 B02):(A01 B10)] [(A04 B01):(A06 B05)] [(A03 B06):(A09 B04)] [(A08 B07):(A07 B08)]

[(A03 B02):(A08 B06)] [(A07 B03):(A11 B09)] [(A12 B12):(A05 B05)] [(A01 B07):(A06 B10)] [(A10 B11):(A02 B04)] [(A04 B01):(A09 B08)]
[(A01 B05):(A02 B08)] [(A10 B10):(A03 B03)] [(A08 B11):(A09 B06)] [(A07 B01):(A06 B12)] [(A11 B04):(A12 B02)] [(A05 B07):(A04 B09)]
[(A05 B01):(A02 B10)] [(A07 B08):(A08 B07)] [(A11 B06):(A10 B09)] [(A03 B11):(A04 B05)] [(A12 B03):(A06 B02)] [(A01 B04):(A09 B12)]
[(A07 B12):(A09 B11)] [(A12 B08):(A02 B06)] [(A01 B02):(A04 B07)] [(A11 B05):(A08 B04)] [(A06 B01):(A05 B09)] [(A10 B03):(A03 B10)]
[(A11 B02):(A06 B05)] [(A05 B10):(A09 B04)] [(A04 B03):(A02 B01)] [(A10 B06):(A01 B12)] [(A07 B07):(A08 B08)] [(A12 B11):(A03 B09)]
[(A06 B06):(A04 B04)] [(A03 B05):(A01 B09)] [(A11 B08):(A09 B10)] [(A10 B07):(A12 B01)] [(A08 B12):(A02 B03)] [(A07 B11):(A05 B02)]
[(A07 B09):(A10 B04)] [(A06 B07):(A02 B11)] [(A12 B05):(A05 B12)] [(A11 B03):(A04 B08)] [(A03 B06):(A09 B01)] [(A01 B10):(A08 B02)]
[(A12 B07):(A09 B03)] [(A10 B12):(A04 B02)] [(A08 B10):(A06 B09)] [(A03 B08):(A05 B04)] [(A11 B11):(A01 B01)] [(A07 B06):(A02 B05)]
[(A12 B10):(A04 B11)] [(A10 B01):(A08 B05)] [(A07 B04):(A01 B03)] [(A02 B02):(A09 B09)] [(A03 B12):(A06 B08)] [(A11 B07):(A05 B06)]
[(A11 B12):(A03 B07)] [(A01 B06):(A05 B03)] [(A10 B08):(A06 B11)] [(A02 B09):(A09 B02)] [(A07 B05):(A04 B10)] [(A12 B04):(A08 B01)]
[(A12 B09):(A01 B08)] [(A06 B04):(A04 B06)] [(A07 B02):(A03 B01)] [(A08 B03):(A05 B11)] [(A10 B05):(A09 B07)] [(A11 B10):(A02 B12)]
[(A10 B02):(A05 B08)] [(A11 B01):(A01 B11)] [(A03 B04):(A02 B07)] [(A07 B10):(A12 B06)] [(A08 B09):(A04 B12)] [(A06 B03):(A09 B05)]

I am afraid I don't know how to make a similar schedule for 18 or 22 players.


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Reply #2 on: July 05, 2017, 10:54:39 AM
Thank you for your prompt response Ian!!

Greatly appreciated!
