Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

golf schedule

Brookwood · 2 · 14684


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on: December 29, 2011, 07:37:47 PM
I would like to find a schedule for 14 golfers (2 four somes and 2 three somes) playing 6 rounds of golf and minimizing the number of repeat pairings, if possible.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 03:30:33 AM
The schedule below may be of use.  Everyone does play with each other at least once and at most twice, however there may be better schedules with a more balanced distribution of threesomes and foursomes.  For example players 1 & 7 play more often in threesomes than the others, while player 10 only has one threesome.

Hope that helps.

  ( 9 10 13 12) ( 2  4  8  5) ( 3  1 14) ( 6  7 11)
  (14  9  7 13) ( 2  6  1 10) (11  4  5) (12  3  8)
  (13  5 10 12) (11  3  6 14) ( 8  7  1) ( 9  2  4)
  (11 10 14  8) ( 3  9  5  6) ( 1  4 13) ( 7 12  2)
  ( 9  1 11 12) ( 4 10  3  7) ( 5  2 14) (13  6  8)
  ( 3 11 13  2) ( 4  6 12 14) ( 8  9 10) ( 5  7  1)