Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Volleyball Triples Schedule: 2 courts, 15 players

VolleyFreak · 4 · 4349


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on: September 07, 2015, 03:28:50 PM
Just happened across the site.  Love the info provided.  Wish I had the time & energy to dig into the mathematics behind this.  I'd love to understand it on a deeper level.

I direct a number of different volleyball tournaments/leagues that have some unusual formats.  I was wondering if I could get some assistance on a new league format.  The playing format is triples (3v3).  I've got 2 courts and 15 total players so 3 players would have a bye each playing session.  I'm looking for each player to play with & against the other league participants and have the same amount of byes per participant.

Possible?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 03:54:59 AM
Can you say something about the number of rounds you would like to play?  My thinking is that the schedule must have a multiple of 5 rounds in order to meet the basic condition that everyone get the same number of games, that is to say after 5 rounds everyone will have had exactly one bye, also each player will have had 8 partners and 12 opponents.  As there are 14 possible partners and opponents, the smallest balanced schedule that can exist is when there are 7 blocks of 5 rounds, or 35 rounds in total, where all pairs play together on the same team 4 times, and oppose 6 times.  I say "can exist" as it is possible an example of this schedule is not known, but I can certainly look for one if you are interested.  However, I am guessing 35 rounds is too many, so you may need to pick a more manageable number, 5, 10 or 15 perhaps, but you will have to accept that you can not balance the number of times pairs play with and against each other.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 03:56:38 AM by Ian »


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Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 08:43:19 AM
Hi Ian.  Thanks for the quick reply.

Some further details.  The league is date limited to 8 matches.  They are actually playing 2 matches per date over 4 weeks.  The preference would be that a given player's schedule would not have back-to-back BYEs where he wouldn't play at all on a given date.  I realize this will fall well short of a balanced schedule.  For those that play fewer games, we rank them based on stats like set winning %, avg. point differential, etc.  If you could assist with a 10 round schedule, I can truncate it to 8 rounds and live with the asymmetries.

Thanks again for the assist.  Love the site.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 05:40:31 AM
Below is the best 10 round schedule I can find.  There are probably many ways of adapting to 4 groups of 2 rounds.  For example leave out rounds 1 and 2, and swap around rounds 8 and 9 to avoid the back-to-back byes for teams 8 and 10.  Hope that helps.

  ( 8  7  2 v 14  6  9) (11  4 10 v 13  5 15)   ( 1 12  3)
  ( 9  8  3 v 15  7 10) (12  5  6 v 14  1 11)   ( 2 13  4)
  (10  9  4 v 11  8  6) (13  1  7 v 15  2 12)   ( 3 14  5)
  ( 6 10  5 v 12  9  7) (14  2  8 v 11  3 13)   ( 4 15  1)
  ( 7  6  1 v 13 10  8) (15  3  9 v 12  4 14)   ( 5 11  2)

  ( 2  3  1 v 11  5  9) (12  8 10 v 13 14  4)   ( 6  7 15)
  ( 3  4  2 v 12  1 10) (13  9  6 v 14 15  5)   ( 7  8 11)
  ( 4  5  3 v 13  2  6) (14 10  7 v 15 11  1)   ( 8  9 12)
  ( 5  1  4 v 14  3  7) (15  6  8 v 11 12  2)   ( 9 10 13)
  ( 1  2  5 v 15  4  8) (11  7  9 v 12 13  3)   (10  6 14)
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:42:31 AM by Ian »