Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

pascal program

Guest · 7 · 22665


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on: May 06, 2013, 06:58:13 PM
Hello, can you please help me?. I need code of round robin using pascal, this is my project. Best regards, Thanks.


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Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 07:38:26 AM
You might want to visit rrpair.htm or the thread on C# code next to this one to see an example in C.  For the webpage you can visit other links from it or view the source.  Once you understand how they work, implementing them in any programming language with which you are familiar should be easy.

I used Pascal when I was in school twenty years ago but don't know if any place it is used in the real world.


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Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 04:54:01 PM
I don't know where to start, Im newbie in pascal...

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 07:35:27 AM
Start by looking at the cyclic algorithm here.  Set up the pairs of team numbers for round 1 in the first row of a matrix (two dimensional array).  So for the example shown this would look like (1 2 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7),  then the rest of the schedule can be filled in by transforming the team numbers from the row above.  To duplicate the algorithm exactly you need the following  rules.

If the team above is 1 it stays the same.
If the team above is 2 it becomes 10 (or the highest team number)
Otherwise subtract one from the team number above.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 07:43:20 AM by Ian »


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Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 01:38:17 PM
Thanks I have a code, but I don't know...can you check it outside the forum? can you write your mail?


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Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 08:06:47 AM
This model might help you understand how they work.  The chess tables I was replicating had the player with the highest even number as the anchor, but player 1 (or any other number < number of players) works as well.


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Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 08:21:06 AM
Understand...but I need code example...i have bidimensional array...more simple...can you check it? thanks