Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Modified Round Robin Scheduling

Cheryl · 7 · 6273


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on: September 03, 2017, 05:11:33 PM
Hello, I would like to schedule a modified round robin.  We will have 28 players, 4 courts, 4 players per court. Players will not remain with their partner but rather move randomly from court to court and partner to partner. However, I only want each player to play 7 or 8 or possibly 9 matches, therefore, a modification of a true round robin.  Does this scheduler have a way of doing this?
Thanks a bunch!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: September 04, 2017, 02:50:32 AM
Hello Cheryl,

The scheduler will not do this, however you can use the schedule here for 7, 8 or 9 matches.  If you play the full 9 matches, then every player will play with every other player once (9 of the 27 other players as partners and the remaining 18 as opponents).

Hope that helps,



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Reply #2 on: September 05, 2017, 07:55:53 PM
Thanks for the reply Ian.  Unfortunately that schedule won't work for this event.  But I so appreciate you getting back to me.


Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: September 06, 2017, 02:56:05 AM
I have misread your message, many apologies.   Now that I have re-read it, I think you are looking for a 14 round schedule on 4 courts.  Is that right?


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Reply #4 on: September 06, 2017, 03:13:56 PM
Hi Ian!
Thanks for responding.
Maybe I can clarify better.
We are having a "Round Robin" event with 28 participants. We will use 4 courts although we could use 5 if necessary. Four people to court and people will randomly switch partners and opponents each match. I would like each person to have several byes as well. So if each person gets 7-8 matches and 4-5 byes that ends up perfect. But each player needs to have the same number of matches and byes so we can declare a winner.

I have a program that works for 24 but not 28. So was hoping your day rogramming could do that.

Thanks a bunch !


Ian Wakeling

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Reply #5 on: September 06, 2017, 04:38:16 PM
Hi Cheryl,

Would the schedule below work for you?  There are 14 rounds, and each player has exactly 8 games and 6 byes.  A player's 8 partners and 16 opponents are all different.


(25 11 v  7  5) (13 12 v 19 16) (27 20 v  6 28) (26  9 v 14 22) 
(26 12 v  1  6) (14 13 v 20 17) (28 21 v  7 22) (27 10 v  8 23)
(27 13 v  2  7) ( 8 14 v 21 18) (22 15 v  1 23) (28 11 v  9 24)
(28 14 v  3  1) ( 9  8 v 15 19) (23 16 v  2 24) (22 12 v 10 25)
(22  8 v  4  2) (10  9 v 16 20) (24 17 v  3 25) (23 13 v 11 26)
(23  9 v  5  3) (11 10 v 17 21) (25 18 v  4 26) (24 14 v 12 27)
(24 10 v  6  4) (12 11 v 18 15) (26 19 v  5 27) (25  8 v 13 28)
(26  7 v 24 15) ( 4  5 v 21 13) ( 6 17 v 22 19) ( 1 11 v 20  8)
(27  1 v 25 16) ( 5  6 v 15 14) ( 7 18 v 23 20) ( 2 12 v 21  9)
(28  2 v 26 17) ( 6  7 v 16  8) ( 1 19 v 24 21) ( 3 13 v 15 10)
(22  3 v 27 18) ( 7  1 v 17  9) ( 2 20 v 25 15) ( 4 14 v 16 11)
(23  4 v 28 19) ( 1  2 v 18 10) ( 3 21 v 26 16) ( 5  8 v 17 12)
(24  5 v 22 20) ( 2  3 v 19 11) ( 4 15 v 27 17) ( 6  9 v 18 13)
(25  6 v 23 21) ( 3  4 v 20 12) ( 5 16 v 28 18) ( 7 10 v 19 14)


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Reply #6 on: September 08, 2017, 07:22:37 PM
Oh my goodness! I think this just might do it! Genius!! I am in a remote part of the world until October 5 so can't evaluate until then but I really think this will work.
Muchas gracias!!!!