Thanks for the suggestion!
I was thinking more about this in the morning and tried an approach (manually in Excel) which applied perfectly to 6 teams on 2 sheets. I haven't tried yet how generally applicable this would be for other team and sheet counts.
Here's how I approached this:
1. Generate an ideal schedule without considering the court limitations
I used this: result is as follows, observe that the home / away is ideally balanced already.

2. Re-allocate the sheets, iterating the games from team 1 onwards. Allocate the games using a snake.
Iteration after considering team 1:

Then move on to the remaining games of team 2. The first new game will be allocated to sheet 2 and the next one also on sheet 2 so that the snake will also apply to team 2.

Then move on to team 3. Team 3 previously has two games on sheet 1 and 0 on sheet 2 so we will start from sheet 2. Also the second new game will be allocated to sheet 2 because of the snake rule.

Then move on to team 4. Team 4 previously has two games on sheet 1 and one on sheet 2, so we will allocate the first new game to sheet 2.

Then move on to team 5. Team 5 previously has one game on sheet 1 and 2 games on sheet 2 so we will allocate the new game on sheet 1.

Then move on to team 6. Team 6 previously has one game on sheet 1 and three games on sheet 2, so the new game will be allocated on sheet 1.

This result fulfills the requirements of an "ideal" schedule and as mentioned, seems to apply to at least 6 team round robin on two sheets.