Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

MIX32 double schedule

travbanan · 5 · 3193


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on: October 18, 2023, 12:33:21 PM
I need schedule for mixed doubles padel round robin for 32 players (16 men and 16 women) where each man pairs with each women once and against each other once. 

Anyone have one?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: October 21, 2023, 05:27:38 AM
You could use this schedule in 15 rounds in reply #4.  My comments in the link outline an issue with numbers of partners/opponents.  The other way of looking at the problem is to make a 16 round schedule where each player has another player of the same sex with whom they oppose twice.  I have put an example schedule below where a game like (M1 F2 M3 F4) should be played as (M1 F2 vs M3 M4)

(M08 F01 M06 F10) (M02 F11 M09 F03) (M16 F05 M01 F02) (M14 F06 M04 F15) (M15 F14 M13 F16) (M03 F13 M10 F09) (M12 F12 M07 F07) (M11 F04 M05 F08)
(M08 F06 M01 F07) (M10 F10 M04 F04) (M12 F14 M03 F01) (M07 F15 M11 F02) (M02 F13 M14 F11) (M16 F12 M09 F05) (M15 F09 M06 F03) (M05 F16 M13 F08)
(M15 F04 M16 F02) (M12 F13 M11 F08) (M09 F09 M14 F14) (M05 F07 M01 F10) (M06 F01 M04 F11) (M07 F06 M03 F16) (M02 F15 M13 F05) (M08 F12 M10 F03)
(M11 F13 M02 F12) (M16 F09 M10 F06) (M04 F16 M01 F15) (M05 F03 M03 F05) (M14 F07 M13 F04) (M07 F08 M06 F14) (M15 F10 M12 F11) (M08 F02 M09 F01)
(M05 F13 M04 F14) (M16 F10 M03 F15) (M12 F07 M07 F12) (M08 F09 M13 F11) (M09 F02 M10 F08) (M15 F01 M02 F04) (M11 F03 M01 F06) (M06 F16 M14 F05)
(M12 F05 M14 F04) (M11 F12 M06 F09) (M15 F08 M08 F15) (M09 F13 M03 F06) (M16 F03 M04 F01) (M02 F16 M05 F10) (M10 F02 M13 F07) (M07 F14 M01 F11)
(M16 F01 M05 F12) (M08 F13 M12 F04) (M11 F10 M13 F14) (M15 F16 M09 F07) (M07 F11 M10 F05) (M14 F15 M01 F03) (M03 F09 M04 F08) (M02 F06 M06 F02)
(M06 F15 M10 F07) (M12 F03 M13 F02) (M09 F06 M05 F04) (M07 F01 M14 F08) (M15 F12 M03 F14) (M08 F05 M04 F13) (M16 F16 M11 F11) (M02 F10 M01 F09)
(M03 F11 M13 F15) (M07 F09 M05 F01) (M06 F13 M09 F16) (M15 F02 M01 F12) (M12 F08 M16 F06) (M11 F07 M14 F03) (M08 F14 M02 F05) (M10 F04 M04 F10)
(M09 F14 M14 F09) (M15 F07 M04 F05) (M06 F08 M13 F03) (M02 F01 M10 F16) (M08 F10 M11 F06) (M12 F02 M05 F11) (M03 F12 M01 F04) (M07 F13 M16 F15)
(M07 F03 M09 F10) (M16 F07 M02 F14) (M11 F05 M10 F01) (M06 F11 M03 F04) (M12 F09 M01 F16) (M15 F15 M08 F08) (M14 F13 M05 F02) (M04 F06 M13 F12)
(M02 F07 M03 F08) (M14 F16 M10 F12) (M15 F11 M05 F06) (M12 F10 M06 F05) (M11 F15 M09 F04) (M07 F02 M04 F09) (M01 F01 M13 F13) (M08 F03 M16 F14)
(M15 F05 M11 F09) (M08 F16 M03 F02) (M07 F04 M02 F03) (M12 F06 M10 F14) (M06 F12 M05 F15) (M01 F13 M13 F01) (M16 F08 M14 F10) (M09 F11 M04 F07)
(M07 F05 M13 F06) (M06 F04 M01 F14) (M14 F02 M03 F10) (M02 F08 M04 F12) (M08 F07 M05 F09) (M16 F11 M11 F16) (M12 F01 M09 F15) (M15 F03 M10 F13)
(M10 F11 M01 F08) (M15 F06 M14 F01) (M16 F13 M06 F07) (M11 F14 M04 F02) (M05 F05 M03 F03) (M09 F12 M13 F10) (M08 F04 M07 F16) (M12 F15 M02 F09)
(M12 F16 M04 F03) (M09 F08 M01 F05) (M08 F11 M14 F12) (M16 F04 M13 F09) (M15 F13 M07 F10) (M02 F02 M06 F06) (M05 F14 M10 F15) (M11 F01 M03 F07)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2023, 05:29:14 AM by Ian Wakeling »


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Reply #2 on: October 21, 2023, 10:36:59 AM
Great! Thansk.
Do you have the algoritm? I wold like to have the algorimt to be able to generate a tournement scehdule for MIX double 36 and 40.

36MIX double, 9 courts and 15 rounds (due to we play 3 hours) and will not have time to do all rounds
40MIX double, 10 courts and also 15 round.

I like to optimize the schedule so one male alwais plays with a new famale each time and then alwais new opponents.

Is there a round robin genereic algorimt that I can use to create a program?

I have not found any site with this capabilities :)


Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: October 22, 2023, 09:53:34 AM
Hi Rodrigo,

There is no simple algorithm for making schedules like the one above, I am using a combinatorial mathematical construction which is detailed in this paper - look for Theorem 3.11 which relies on 3.10.  The paper just shows that these types of schedules exist, and it is not going to help you make more unless you are able to follow the references to the mathematical literature.  I have made the schedules for 36 and 40 players and attach them in an Excel file (note that you will only see the paperclip file download icon if you are logged into the forum).  Hope that helps,

« Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 09:55:30 AM by Ian Wakeling »


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Reply #4 on: October 27, 2023, 05:42:21 AM
Thanks so very much for the answer.... And great thanks for generating the MIX36 and MIX40.
This is great help for me :)