Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

6 team round robin +

suem · 3 · 3152


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on: September 11, 2022, 06:29:01 PM
I was helped previously on this site, so I'm hoping someone can help me again.

I am looking for a schedule for:
2 pools of 6 teams play a round robin.  And then I want the #1, #2 and #3 team in pool A to play the #4, #5 and #6 in pool B.  And the #4, #5 and #6 teams from pool A will play the #1, #2 and #3 teams from pool B.  The teams can play in any order (ie the pool of 6 does not have to play first and then the next games play).  So the additional games would be:
A1 - B4
A1 - B5
A1 - B6
A2 - B4
A2 - B5
A2 - B6
A3 - B4
A3 - B5
A3 - B6
B1 - A4
B1 - A5
B1 - A6
B2 - A4
B2 - A5
B2 - A6
B3 - A4
B3 - A5
B3 - A6

The other parameters would be there should be 6 timeslots per each of 3 days, with 4 courts available to be used.

Can anyone help me make this work?  Thanks in advance.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: September 12, 2022, 12:38:32 PM
If A1-A6 are teams A to F, and B1-B6 are teams G to L, then I think the 12 round schedule below will work.  Please check carefully that it is what you want, as I have put it together by hand. The 1st 7 rounds (rows) are all games played by teams within the same pool.  The last 4 games are all additional games.  The round marked by * is two games of each type.  Hope that helps.

(B A) (D E)  (G H) (J K)
(E F) (B C)  (K L) (G I)
(D F) (A C)  (J L) (H I)
(C E) (B D)  (I K) (G J)
(A D) (C F)  (H J) (I L)
(B F) (A E)  (G L) (H K)
(C D) (A F)  (I J) (H L)
(B E) (A L)  (G K) (D I) *
(C K) (B J)  (F H) (E G)
(A J) (C L)  (D G) (F I)
(B K) (C J)  (E H) (F G)
(B L) (A K)  (E I) (D H)


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Reply #2 on: September 13, 2022, 09:18:35 AM
I think I can make that work.  Thank you so much for taking the time to help me.