Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

9 golfers - 4 games

Lee Perriam · 18 · 25587

shaun hayward

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Reply #15 on: April 21, 2011, 11:03:35 AM
Hi Shaun,

If I understand correctly then the situation can not be even, some pairs of players will meet 3 times, while other pairs will meet 4 times.  For example:

(4 2 8 3)  (1 6 7 5)
(6 8 3 7)  (2 4 5 1)
(3 6 5 4)  (7 2 1 8)
(2 5 8 6)  (7 3 4 1)
(3 1 2 6)  (5 8 7 4)
(6 1 4 5)  (8 3 2 7)
(5 7 3 2)  (1 4 6 8)
(4 7 6 2)  (8 5 1 3)

Does that work for you?


Thank you Ian that is great much better than I would have been able to work out! you would think that 8 would go into 8 evenly to give an even amount of times players play eachother!! I have tried so many outcomes but yopurs is the closest so far thank you for your time and soloution.




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Reply #16 on: July 21, 2017, 08:31:04 AM

Would it be possible to get a fixture list with 12 threesomes (36 players) or 13 threesomes (39 players) per round?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #17 on: July 24, 2017, 02:54:03 AM
There are schedules for both of these options if you follow the links below:

best possible schedule for 36 players

perfect schedule for 39 players