Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

6 players, 3 Simultaneous events, Everybody plays

robmorren2 · 2 · 6021


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on: August 07, 2015, 11:51:14 PM
Ok, I'm having trouble making a schedule for this scenario.

We have 3 events set up -- Cornhole, Ladderball, and Beer Pong.

We have 6 players playing 1v1 games, so three events will be played at the same time (no one will be left w/o a game to play, and no game will be left w/o players)

Every player needs to play every other player in every event. I believe that means everyone should be able to play each other after 15 rounds (45 games). However, I can't figure out how to schedule the match-ups so there is no overlap. I guess it would be like combining 3 round robins (one for every event), but making sure there is no overlap -- such as a player being scheduled to play beer pong and cornhole at the same time.

Thanks in advance!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: August 08, 2015, 03:18:58 AM
You are definitely thinking along the right lines when you say combine 3 round-robins. So start with a standard round-robin schedule for 6 players and 5 rounds:

(3 6) (1 2) (4 5)
(5 6) (2 4) (1 3)
(1 4) (3 5) (2 6)
(2 3) (4 6) (1 5)
(2 5) (1 6) (3 4)

Use this for the first 5 rounds, then for rounds 6-10 rotate the 3 columns around 1 position, and rotate again for rounds 11-15.

Round  CH    LB    BP
  1   (3 6) (1 2) (4 5)
  2   (5 6) (2 4) (1 3)
  3   (1 4) (3 5) (2 6)
  4   (2 3) (4 6) (1 5)
  5   (2 5) (1 6) (3 4)

  6   (1 2) (4 5) (3 6)
  7   (2 4) (1 3) (5 6)
  8   (3 5) (2 6) (1 4)
  9   (4 6) (1 5) (2 3)
 10   (1 6) (3 4) (2 5)

 11   (4 5) (3 6) (1 2)
 12   (1 3) (5 6) (2 4)
 13   (2 6) (1 4) (3 5)
 14   (1 5) (2 3) (4 6)
 15   (3 4) (2 5) (1 6)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 03:19:32 AM by Ian »