Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

8 player RRobin, co-ed, 2 courts, concurrent games

RicMc · 2 · 3820


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 8-person coed volleyball king of the beach format
- 4 males, 4 females
- Each male plays with each female (vice versa)  
- One coed couple against another coed couple
- 2 volleyball courts running at the same time.
I've seen the post for one court but how do you run two concurrently? HELP?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 01:57:35 AM
It can't be done.  The closest you could come would be to play the three rounds here.  And then finish with:

[(H1 W1):(H2 W2)] [(H3 W3):(H4 W4)]

This does have each male (H) play with each female (W), but the opposition pairs are not balanced.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 01:57:48 AM by Ian »