Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Best of five: first to three or play all five?

Guest · 1 · 3561

Squash player(Guest)

  • Guest
on: January 13, 2009, 05:46:12 AM
A few friends and I are having a debate over a squash tournament we are arranging. It goes as follows:
We are using a "best of five" system per match as part of a round robin tournament with four competitors.
We are calculating aggregate scores to be using in the ranking system (as a way of ranking competitors who have won equal amounts of games).
Some competitors wish to stop each match after one player reaches three (thereby securing them victory regrdless of the outcome of the other one or two games).
Others with to play all five games, even if the final games will have no part in determining the winner of that match, to use in aggregate score totals.
Which is the standard way of organising such a system in round robin tournaments? Which method is used in squash specifically? Which is most fair and accurate?