Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Scheduling 12 players to 2 courts over time

Janlim · 3 · 4324


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on: October 21, 2020, 10:48:17 AM
I have been allocating 12 Pickleball players to 2 courts (6 to a court) over 2 hours. After the first hour, 3 players from each court switch courts.
There are 6 men, and 6 women. It is desirable that they are evenly distributed.
I have been preparing the playlist manually.
Is there a formula or set distribution I can employ that will mix the players as evenly as possible over the playing season?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: October 23, 2020, 09:06:04 AM
The bad news is that I don't think any such formula exists.  Worse still, the optimal solution will depend on the length of the season, so this needs to be known at the planning stage.

Can you say some more about what happens when 6 people meet on 1 court.   Is it 3 vs 3, or something else?  Are you worried about the gender balance?  If so, what's allowed and not allowed?


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Reply #2 on: October 23, 2020, 04:30:52 PM
The game is doubles Pickleball where 2 players play against 2 others. (2 players sit out each game.) There are 2 courts booked. 12 players are registered. 6 men, 6 women. It is desirable but not essential that there are 3 men and 3 women assigned to each court for the first hour, and then 3 players from each court switch courts after one hour.
These games are played weekly for 8 months. 34 games.
What is the best way to mix the combinations of 6 players per court in the first, and second hour, so that most people get to play each other roughly the same number of times?
I have been tabulating the players who play together each hour, manually, and try to assign the next game in a way that tends to balance out the partnerships.
Thanks for your interest and attention.