Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Terrific site

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Jeremy Price(Guest)

  • Guest
on: December 23, 2005, 10:50:27 AM
Thanks, Richard. Terrific site.

I schedule for a men's soccer league, and this tool will be invaluable. One suggestion: Not until I read the guestbook did I realize that by designating a "ghost" team (or bye-week opponent) I can use your tables for an odd number as well as an even number of teams.

This may be obvious to most, but having managed beforehand to work out a pen-and-paper method for any odd number (a chart that must work more or less like the wheel mentioned by another guest), then having run into difficulty doing the same for any even, I was disappointed to see that your tables didn't provide everything I was looking for (particularly when I noted that the newsgroup entry you site apparently programs for odd-number tournaments).

Call me thick... but maybe just a quick note on the main page mentioning the ghost-team tactic?

Thanks again.

Saturday, December 27 2003, 05:08 pm