Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Horshoe club problem

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Dean Schmitz(Guest)

  • Guest
on: December 23, 2005, 01:43:53 AM
You have a great program. But I have a problem that needs solving.

Each year my horseshoe club assigns 3 pitchers to a court. They play each other in a double round round. The next week they play 2 pitchers that they haven't played before. They play each other one time before repeating of playing someone they played previously. We may have from 24 to 36 in the league.

Scheduling this by hand is time consuming and players complain about playing each other more than 3 or 4 times during the season.

Q: Is there a program that can help me solve this problem?

Monday, November 24 2003, 07:07 pm
Mount Clemens, MI