Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

curling leagues

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Bob Cameron(Guest)

  • Guest
on: January 02, 2010, 03:47:08 PM
I've been using your round robin schedules for three leagues and playoffs and thank you very much. It has made my task a lot easier than it used to be.

We host bonspiels where we can have anywhere from 12 to 24 teams. We guarantee three games with an "A", "B" and "C" event. Every team starts in the "A" event. Lose your first game and go to the "B" event, lose your second game and go to the "C" event. Lose your third or subsequent game you are out of the bonspiel. We have 4 sheets of ice and don't like to see a team play back-to-back on the same sheet of ice (sometimes it cannot be helped). These bonspiels take place from Friday evening till Sunday afternoon. Any idea where I can get such a draw schedule?
