Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Maximum Play Determination

bryanfaz · 1 · 544


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on: April 10, 2024, 01:46:17 PM
I'm hosting a fundraising tournament and trying to figure out the maximum number of players I can accept into the tournament. Here are the conditions:

1.) 14 courts
2.) 1 day, 12-14 hours.
3.) Format - Doubles Mens and Womens (No mixed). Round robin, double elimination (back draw).
4.) Divisions - Two for men and two for women.
5.) Scoring - First to 11, by 2. 

I have total flexibility to adjust these parameters, except numbers 1 and 2. :)

We are naturally trying to maximize the number of participants for the charity. i've considered modifying the scoring by reducing the score to 9 or even 7, only winning by 1 to win game, etc. 

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!!
