Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

11 team,/ 5 table rotating partner eucher tournament

Ccoleman231 · 4 · 2720


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on: December 10, 2021, 03:55:26 PM
Having trouble with a bracket for an 11 team, 5 table rotating partner eucher tournament.  I’m not sure if it could be done without byes or just one bye, we are trying to look for the best options and we may not be able to play the whole thing out due to time so that may throw another wrench.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: December 10, 2021, 05:31:53 PM
To be able to comment, you would need to describe the format of play in more detail.  'Partners' suggests 4 players per table,  how do these 20 players (5 tables of 4) relate to the 11 teams?


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Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 07:54:38 PM
22 people total, each person will draw a number 1-22 to identify which player they are.  Each table will have 4 player and paired together player 1 could be paired with player 22, each table will deal around two times and tally total points win or loose and reports to score table, next round player mover to a different table and player one may be paired up with player 13 this time.  After each round players moves to a new partner and possibly new table.  Each round will allow each table to deal around twice.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: December 11, 2021, 05:37:00 AM
Many thanks for posting the extra details. If all tables have 4 players, then there is no way to avoid having 2 players on a bye in each round - and in that case the most sensible thing to look for is a schedule with 11 rounds, so that all players have exactly one bye in the tournament.  I suggest you adapt the 22 player schedule that you can find in reply #3 here.  Just assign people at random to H1-H11 and W1-W22, then you will end up with a tournament where each player has 10 rounds, and partners 10 different people, and opposes 20 different people.