Round Robin Tournament Scheduling


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on: August 10, 2011, 12:28:34 PM
I am running a round robin for a lawn bowls comp and I have 26 teams playing 4 sections of 5 and 1 section of 6 using 7 rinks need help on how to set this up any help more than welcome thank you

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 03:34:18 AM

If you follow the schedules button above and dial up 6 items then this gives you the basic schedule for the single section of 6.  Also see the footnote which tells you how to convert the schedule to 5 players, 4 copies of which can be used for other sections.  Both types of schedule have 5 rounds each, so call the rounds of the 5 player schedules A1-A5, B2-B5, C2-C5 & D2-D5, and the rounds of the 6 player schedule as Z1-Z5.  Now arrange the play using these symbols into 8 super rounds.

Round1 A1 B1 Z1  7
Round2 C1 D1 Z2  7
Round3 A2 B2 C2  6
Round4 A3 D2 Z3  7
Round5 B3 C3 D3  6
Round6 A4 B4 Z4  7
Round7 C4 D4 Z5  7
Round8 A5 B5 C5  6

Above the number of rinks needed per round is given in the last column.  The only problem is that the two matches from D5 have not yet been assigned, however one match can be played on the spare rink in Round 3 and the other in Round 8.

Hope that helps.


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Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 11:53:42 AM
I am running a round robin ladies doubles tennis tournament for 10 ladies, I have been at it all day! I now have an "app" on my ipod and various other aids which I cannot make sense of. does anyone have a simple table I can print out please.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 12:52:08 PM
The numbers don't really work out nicely for doubles with 10 players.  About the best that can be done would be something like this:

[(G H) : (A B)] [(F J) : (C I)]
[(E F) : (G J)] [(B C) : (H I)]
[(C F) : (A E)] [(D J) : (B I)]
[(C G) : (B D)] [(F I) : (E H)]
[(A D) : (I J)] [(B G) : (F H)]
[(H J) : (D G)] [(A I) : (B E)]
[(C J) : (E G)] [(A H) : (D F)]
[(C E) : (D H)] [(A F) : (B J)]
[(A G) : (E I)] [(B F) : (C D)]
[(G I) : (A C)] [(B H) : (E J)]
[(A J) : (C H)] [(F G) : (D I)]

Here every pair partners except D&E and those two players get only 8 games while the others get 9 games.  Also AI and BH oppose three times each while most other pairs oppose two times each.

Hope that is of some use.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 12:53:25 PM by Ian »