jDSGI - Java2D DATA Step Graphics Interface
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by Richard A. DeVenezia, Copyright 2004  HOME
 * Richard A. DeVenezia
 * June 1, 2004
 * jDSGI test 4

data _null_;

  if symexist('goutpath') then goutpath=symget('goutpath'); else goutpath=pathname('WORK');
  if symexist ('gsftype') then gsftype=symget('gsftype'); else gsftype='png';

  gsf = cats(goutPath,"\","test4");

  width  = 500;
  height = 500;

  %canvas (_g, width, height, 0aaaaccx)

  %setColor (00000ffx);
  %draw3DRect (18, 18,54,54,1);
  %draw3DRect (19, 19,52,52,1);
  %draw3DRect (20, 20,50,50,1);

  %setColor (0666666x);
  %drawArc (118,  18,54, 54,   0,180);
  %drawArc (110,  10,70, 70, 180,180);

  %setColor (0222222x);
  %drawString ("This is " || gsf, 18, 100);

  %setFont ("Comic Sans MS", 0, 16);
  %drawString ("Comic Sans MS - 16", 18,125);

  %setFont ("Comic Sans MS", 0, 32);
  %drawString ("Comic Sans MS - 32", 18,160);

  r = 45;
  %translate (r, 250);

  n = 23;
  do i = 1 to n;
    f = (i-1) / n;
    x = r * cos ( f * 2 * constant('PI'));
    y = r * sin ( f * 2 * constant('PI'));
    %drawLine (0,0, x,y);

  %translate (-r, -250);

  %drawOval (100,  250,  70, 70);
  %drawOval (100,  260,  70, 50);
  %drawOval (100,  270,  70, 30);
  %drawOval (100,  280,  70, 10);

  array sx[7] (100, 120, 140, 170, 220, 220, 100);
  array sy[7] (200, 180, 210, 170, 215, 165, 165);

  %translate (0,+30);
  %drawPolygon (sx, sy);
  %translate (0,-30);

  array px[10];
  array py[10];

  n = 9;
  do i = 0 to n;
    f = i /n;
    px [i+1] = 150 * f;
    theta = 2 * constant('PI') * f + .1;
    py [i+1] = cos (theta) * 50;

  %setColor (0dddd00x);
  %translate (+200,+300);
  %drawPolyline (px, py);
  %translate (-200,-300);

  %setColor (0ffff00x);
  %drawRect (250, 10, 100, 40);

  %setColor (0ffffaax);
  %translate (0,60);
  %drawRoundRect (250, 10, 100, 40, 25, 25);

  %canvas_saveAs (gsf, gsftype, savedAs);


  if savedAs ne '' then call system ("start " || savedAs);