%include 'g:\webs\devenezia-com\webapps\ROOT\downloads\sas\macros\webframe.sas'; data response; do county = 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'; do z = 1 to 3; do x = 1 to 10; y = ranuni (0); output; end; end; end; run; goptions device=win target=dj660c rotate=landscape fby=swiss goutmode=replace nodisplay; symbol1 i=join v=dot c=red; symbol2 i=join v=square c=black; symbol3 i=join v=circle c=blue; title h=3pct f=swiss "County results" ; proc gplot data=response gout=response; by county; plot y * x = z / name = Results desc = 'Here are the graphs'; run; quit; title; footnote; goptions reset=all; %let hostPathToStart=; %webframe (foobar, County Results, WORK, RESPONSE, c:\temp\webpages\, 5.5, 4, hostPathToStart, dirsep=\)