SAS Example - Describing WinExec() in SASCBTBL

SAS requires a description of a dll method in order to use it.

SAS users can run Windows programs using a variety of commands and statements, including X, system(), and Fileref pipes. All these techniques will, on occasion, flash a DOS box window open and close as the command starts and finishes. This flashing is an annoyance.

SAS users can also invoke .dll methods. The following SAS code defines a SASCBTBL interface to the Windows API routine WinExec(). WinExec() runs a Windows program and does not flash a DOS box.

The SAS moduleN() routine can be used in a Data Step or SCL to call the WinExec() routine to run the ppbS program. Example

filename sascbtbl catalog 'work.sascbtbl.winexec.source';

data _null_;
file sascbtbl;
put _infile_;
routine WinExec
arg 1 char format=$cstr200.;   * lpCmdLine;
arg 2 num  format=pib2.;       * nShowCmd;

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