Soft Fonts are supplied as files on flexible disk and
     then transferred (downloaded) into the printer's user
     memory (RAM). Once a soft font has been downloaded into
     the printer's RAM, it may be selected for printing.

     First, the following files should be created (create
     one ID file for every font you want to download).

          NOTE:  If using DOS Edit,   =
                 [Ctrl][P]  [Esc]

      FILENAME                  FILE CONTENTS AND

      ID1                       *c1D
                                This assigns ID# 1 to the
                                next font to be downloaded
      perm                      *c5F
                                This makes the previously
                                downloaded font permanent
      ID2                       *c2D
                                This assigns ID# 2 to the
                                next font to be downloaded

      After the above files have been created, you may
      download fonts using the following steps:

      copy ID1 lpt1:            Copies the ID1 file to the
      copy /b                   Copies the font file to
      c:\fonts\lp085r16.pcp     the printer as a binary
      lpt1:                     file (use proper font
                                filename and path)
      copy perm lpt1:           Sends the printer command
                                to make the font permanent
      copy ID2 lpt1:            Copies the ID2 file to the
      copy /b                   Copies the second font
      c:\fonts\lp085r16.r8p     file to the printer
      copy perm lpt1:           Sends the printer command
                                to make the font permanent

     To verify that the fonts have been downloaded, print
     out a PCL Typeface List, or for the
     LaserJet 4L print a Self-Test (see the User's Manual
     for your printer for instructions).

            Copyright  Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
   The information contained herein is subject to change
                      without notice.
   Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or
  consequential damages in connection with the use of this