/* Richard A. DeVenezia * www.devenezia.com * * A sample of all Dingbats as bullets */ data bullets; do code = 0 to 255; length point $300; point = "This is point #" || trim(put(code,3.-L)) || ' (' || put(code,hex2.) || ', ' || quote(byte(code)) || ')' || '.' || ' I am a good point.' || ' I concede there may be points better than I,' || ' but I conceit I am better than most.' || ' In the scheme of things, I have a point.' ; output; end; run; ods listing close; *ods pdf notoc file ="%sysfunc(pathname(WORK))/points.pdf" style=printer; ods pdf notoc file ="\\extreme\samples\pdf-bullets-one.pdf" style=printer; options nocenter nodate nonumber ; title 'Bullets of font_face=Dingbats'; footnote; ods escapechar = '\'; proc report nowd data=bullets noheader style (report) = [ borderwidth=0 ] ; columns code point; define code / display ; compute code; bullet = byte(code); endcomp; compute point; * bullet the point; point = '\S={font_face=Dingbats}' || bullet || '\S={} \m' || point; endcomp; run; ods pdf close; title;